AARHUS TECH is a vocational education and training (VET) institution situated in Aarhus - the second largest city in Denmark. With three main campuses and a comprehensive supply of education and training programmes the college is a noticeable part of Aarhus.

AARHUS TECH was founded in 1828 and is one of the largest VET institutions in Denmark. The college has a long tradition of servicing the private and public sector by offering flexible education and training programmes within a wide variety of occupations at different levels. It is our objective to turn knowledge into professional competencies in demand on the regional labour market.

All education programmes of AARHUS TECH aim at developing the international competence of the students. This is done in different ways depending on the education, the sector and our international contacts. E.g. we take part in a number of EU mobility and partnership projects and cooperate with employers on work placement of our students in companies abroad.

At AARHUS TECH we are always looking for new learning opportunities for students and staff. Please contact us if you are interested in cooperating with us on educational development projects, work placement, or student and staff mobility.

Chester Folming
Managing Director

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How AARHUS TECH collaborate with vocational schools across Europe and why we believe it is important to work internationally.

Facts and figures

  • 28 initial VET programmes
  • 4 upper secondary schools
  • A large number of continuing training courses
  • Introduction courses for approximately 5,000 lower secondary pupils
  • 555 staff members
  • 3,000 full-time students per year
  • A turnover of 350 million DKK (45.6 million EUR) in 2017

Occupational health and safety management certification according to OHSAS/8001:2008

Governance and financing

Like all other Danish vocational colleges, AARHUS TECH is a self-governing, non-profit institution with a long tradition of involving the social partners at all levels of management and training provision.

A governing board with equal representation of local employers' associations and trade unions is overall responsible for the college management, and the social partners are also represented in a large number of sector-specific local training committees advising the college on the provision of VET programmes and continuing training courses. This is one of several ways of ensuring that our programmes always meet the needs of the local/regional labour market.

Our activities are governed by a legal framework developed in consultation with the social partners and issued by the Ministry of Education and are financed through a per-student state grant system supplemented by income generating activities. For further information on the financing system, please see the Danish Ministry of Education website.

Quality assurance

The focus of quality assurance at AARHUS TECH is to improve our core services, i.e. training and education. We believe that there is always room for improvement.

The most important quality parameters are:

  • Completion/dropout rates, measured by means of statistics;
  • Student participation rates, measured by absence statistics;
  • Students' performance, measured by the marks given to students;
  • Student satisfaction, measured by annual student satisfaction reports based on systematic evaluations throughout the year. The results are used for benchmarking with other colleges.

A prize is awarded to the teaching team with the highest score in the annual satisfaction report.

To follow up on results achieved, all teams of teachers hold 4 - 10 short evaluation meetings per year. Once a year, a more comprehensive self-evaluation meeting is held, where the teams discuss the results achieved and prepare an action plan for quality improvement, which is posted on the college website.

Furthermore, annual staff satisfaction surveys are conducted, and focus group interviews are held with selected companies. The local training committees also play an important part in assuring the satisfaction of the local labour market.

The quality parameters form part of the performance based pay contracts of the college managers.

AARHUS TECH's international strategy

Strategy (pdf)

Erasmus+ accreditation

The Erasmus+ accreditation for the period 2021 - 2027.


Erasmus akkreditering